For Hack Upstate’s 2020 virtual Hackathon I created “Is My Mail Here Yet?”. This was my first time using Tensorflow and OpenCV.
I missed an important package from Fedex.
What it does:
This project emails you when Fedex or UPS are here.
How I built it:
Python script and lots of reading.
Challenges I ran into:
- Tensorflow seems only support CUDA 10 while I have CUDA 11 installed.
- To rectify this issue I spun up an ubuntu virtual machine, this didn’t help because Tensorflow will run on the GPU unless you set the environment variables.
- My WYZE cam’s beta firmware is definitely in beta:
- The RTSP stream it gave me produced many dropped frames that caused my program to receive empty or incomplete frames which resulted in hard to originate crashes.
- Accomplishments that I’m proud of:
- This was my first time using Tensorflow or OpenCV.
What I learned:
Learned how to use Google’s Teachable Machine, Tensorflow, OpenCV.
What’s next for Is the mail here yet?
Pushing it to run on an ESP32 and check for USPS.
Built With:
- OpenCV
- Python
- TensorFlow